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Submitted by: Harry Barter
Flex application development services are always based on open-source application framework that let Flex web development company build mobile, desktop and web applications easily using the same programming model, tool and code base. With the advent of Flex, the demand for Flex-centric applications has increased and clients across the globe are eager to avail the services of Flex development company in India. It is with this rich Flex application development that small businesses can have dynamic and rich websites that can improve their sales and hence profits.
Though, Flex is relatively new technology and Flex application development therefore is also new for many developers, number of rich internet applications are designed and developed to increase the interactivity within the enterprise. Mostly, developers would like to use Abode Flex Builder Software for faster, professional development as well as effective maintenance of multiple dashboard applications. In order to make it happen, Flex web development company needs to hire Flex developers who know how to build client side logic as it can be flawlessly integrated with web services, XML as well as LiveCycle solutions. Design tools are used to create a rich interface. Being an open source and highly flexible technology, Flex development services can provide consistency on all major operating systems, browsers as well as desktops.
In March 2004, Macromedia initially released software development kit, an IDE and a J2EE integration application which is known as Flex Data Services. However, Adobe acquired multimedia in 2005 and after that no release of Flex required a license for Flex Data Services which has then become a separate product rebranded as LiveCycle Data Services. Flex 2 offers special integration with ColdFusion MX 7. The ColdFusion MX 7.0.2 release has updated Flash remoting to prop up Action Script 3, a Flex Data Services event gateway, and the Flex Data Services assembler. Flex Builder 2 also adds extensions for ColdFusion providing a set of wizards for RAD Flex application development. A subset of Flex 1.5 is also embedded into ColdFusion MX 7 middleware platform, for use in the ColdFusion Flash forms feature. It is possible to use this framework to write rich internet applications, although its intended purpose is for rich forms only.
The force that works behind Flex 2 is Flex framework which is freely distributed as part of Flex Software Development Kit. The framework leverages foundation crux provided by Flash Player 9 and ActionScript 3.0. They also provide a rich class library that embodies best practices for building successful RIAs. The Flex framework provides a rich set of extensible user interface components, a flexible model for controlling layout and user interaction, and a robust infrastructure for accessing data from remote services and binding it to the data objects and user interface controls.
Flex application development includes Flex component library which has over 100 components and containers ranging from simple widgets like buttons and a color picker to more complex controls such as data grid, accordion pane, and rich text editor. These applications help Flex application development services in a sense that they can come with application’s user interface using these built-in components, categorize them so that their behavior can be modified.
About the Author: iFlexWeb is a professional Flex web development company and has an expertise at delivering Flex application development at cost effective rates. We let our valuable clients hire dedicated Flex developer from our talent pool of good Flex developers. Visit us at:
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